Viktor Shevchenko

Skills and Expertise

Web development:

Code: JavaScript (Object Oriented and Functional), ES6+, TypeScript, ReactJS, MobX, Redux, Angular, AngularJS, jQuery, Bootstrap, PrototypeJS, D3.js, vis.js, Leaflet, MapBox, GoogleMaps, Lodash, MomentJS, AWS SDK. CSS, SCSS, Bourbon, BEM, Styled-Components. HTML, Accessibility
Build: Webpack, Grunt, Gulp, Babel, CircleCI
Quality: Jest, Enzyme, Jasmine. Playwright. ESLint, TSLint

Server side development:

Experience with NodeJS, beginner in Python, did some PHP in past, participated in Clojure contest


I have experience in project management for 2 teams


MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Supabase


Git, GitHub, Perforce, SVN, Docker, Atlassian stack, WebStorm, VS Code


Frontend Team Leader
at Comeet
Aug 2019 ➡️ Current
Aug 2019 ➡️ Current

Led frontend team in building collaborative applicant tracking system that allows to quickly source, interview, and hire candidates.

  • Grew a distributed team of developers from 1 to 5 members, fostering a collaborative and productive work environment. Mentored and led the team to deliver best possible results, achieving 0% volunteer attrition.
  • Enhanced development speed, quality, and user experience through close collaboration with three cross-functional teams.
  • Managed development workflow (sprint planning, team load balancing, breaking down, assigning and delegating tasks), resulting a decrease of backlog bugs to 0.
  • Established policies, including an onboarding policy, resulting in up to a one week saved in the time required for developers to become task-ready.
  • Brought monitoring practices (mainly with New Relic and FullStory) and led to reduce error rate by 75%.
  • Transformed internal infrastructure, that decreased developer environment startup time by 30%. This significantly boosted developer motivation, productivity and developer experience.
  • Architected the product's frontend system to prioritise high quality, maintainability, and scalability, resulting in a 30% decrease in page load time and reduced reported bug rate 2 times YoY.
  • Developed critical features and a unique solution for seamless migration from AngularJS to React, facilitating parallel framework usage and uninterrupted workflow.
  • Guided and supervised the team in converting more that half of the product code to React, resulting in boosted application maintainability and a 60% reduction in new bug reports ratio.
  • Adopted automation testing with Playwright, saving at least 1 day worth of manual QA work per week.
Technologies and tools:

React, TypeScript, MobX, Ant Design, Styled-Components, Highcharts, AngularJS, Jest, Playwright, Storybook, New Relic

Engineering Manager / Lead Developer
at GlobalLogic
Jun 2013 ➡️ Aug 2019
IT Service Desk Platforms / Single Sign On
Jun 2013 ➡️ Aug 2019

From a frontend developer advanced to lead developer and manager. Led three projects for BMC Software client.

  • Headed two project teams, supervising 12 individuals, ensuring on-time delivery and exceeding stakeholder expectations.
  • Managed stakeholder and consumer engagements, mitigated customer escalations, defined release scopes, and showcased feature demos to senior management resulting 90% rate for on-time and successful delivery of crucial product features.
  • Played a central role in defining the application architecture, that later became a standard for all new company web apps. Time to start a new web application became 1-3 days instead of weeks.
  • Introduced cutting-edge practices and technologies. Notably, one application received the prestigious Pink Elephant Global Innovation Award.
  • As main ambassador, led the creation and promotion of a corporate component library; later adopted across all company projects.
  • Mentored JavaScript and React courses for over 50 students, facilitating successful completion and subsequent job placements within the organisation; notable alumni now hold positions at Apple and Netflix.
  • Conducted consulting and pre-sales activities, resulted in the acquisition of new clients for the company.
Technologies and tools:

ES6, TypeScript, ReactJS(+Server rendering), Redux, MobX, React-bootstrap, Angular, AngularJS, Lodash, D3.js, CKEditor; Doker, Webpack, Babel, Gulp, Grunt; ESLint; Jest, Enzyme; SCSS, BEM; CircleCI, AWS S3, AWS Lambda, Serverless. OAuth2, SAML2, LDAP. Git, Github, Perforce.

Web developer
at Ciklum
Mar 2012 ➡️ Jun 2013
Document Management System
Mar 2012 ➡️ Jun 2013

Development of document management system for ScanJour (Acquired by KMD) mostly used by Danish ministries.

  • Fronted development
  • Restyling a client for modern UI
  • Refactored legacy JavaScript code to improve performance and, reduce bugs, increase maintainability and user experience of product.
  • Made web client cross browser instead of IE only resulting an increase in customer satisfaction.
  • Took role of team Scrum Master, applying Agile tools and techniques to increase team efficiency.
Technologies and tools:

jQquery, HandlebarsJS, Jasmine, PhantomJS. TFS

Senior Engineer
at Kyivstar
Aug 2006 ➡️ Feb 2012
Traffic Management Unit
Aug 2006 ➡️ Feb 2012

Joined as customer service consultant and grew to a senior network engineer in the a leading mobile network operator in Ukraine.

  • Mobile NSS core operation and maintenance (HLR, MSC/MSC-S/VLR, STP/TSC/TSC-S, MGw) based on Ericsson AXE and CPP platforms. Did signalling and voice traffic management achieving a 99.99% network uptime and ensuring top-tier network quality for end-users.
  • Fixed NSS core operation and maintenance Huawei NGN (SoftX3000, UMG8900, SBC SE2300 nodes)
  • New services implementation from core network side(requirements gathering, technical consultations, testing, integration, deployment), resulting revenue increase and reduction of operational costs.
  • Technical support of GSM services, network statistics analysis, incidents elimination, urgent traffic rerouting, further detailed analysis, preparing reports
  • Interaction with vendors in case of technical problems in equipment operation, Preparing of Service Requests, SLA tracking according to a support contract
  • Participation in projects: Split Migration (swapping monolithic to split NSS), BICC-migration (swapping TDM/ISUP transit network to IP/SIGTRAN), transition of Kyivstar network to perspective numbering plan
  • Working with muli-service multivendor national network; Support of the highest network quality
  • Scripted manual workflows that allowed to reduce up to 2 hours of work for other engineers on similar tasks.
Technologies and tools:


Personal Projects

3 Shopify applications
Dec 2017 ➡️ Mar 2021

Co-founded, developed frontend, did marketing and customer support for 3 Shopify applications that were making 500$ MRR in total. Now apps are sunsetted.

Technologies and tools:

ES6, TypeScript, ReactJS, MobX, Validatorjs, Webpack. Styled-Components.

Reactive MobX Form (author and maintainer)
Apr 2017 ➡️ Current

Created, released and maintained an open-source library aimed to simplify working with forms in React applications., Demo

  • End-to-end library development
  • Maintaining issues and pull requests in github
  • Development of documentation web site(gh-pages)
Technologies and tools:

ES6, TypeScript, ReactJS, MobX, Validatorjs, Webpack. SCSS, BEM.

Portfolio web site
Sep 2018 ➡️ Current

Personal web site

Technologies and tools:

Contentful, Next.js, React, Netlify


National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Aug 2003 ➡️ Feb 2009
Master degree in Telecommunication.


MongoDB for Developers
Apr 2013
Professional Scrum Master I
Dec 2012
MSC-S R 14.0 Blade Cluster Configuration
May 2011
Signalling in the Core Network Mobile Softswitch
Feb 2009
MSC Server Configuration
Nov 2008


Upper-Intermediate English. Beginner German. Native Ukraine. Native Russian.